Your Personal Happiness Quotient is Your Key to Health
By Katherine Carroll, NTP, Adytum Sanctuary Hostess/Owner
Do More What Makes You Happy is written in rainbow color on a little dish I use to hold essential oils near a diffuser in the new exercise cottage we just created at Adytum Sanctuary for guests to use. We value health and well-being at the Sanctuary, particularly when the World is focused on Corona virus.
Those words, encouraging us to the pursuit of happiness, have never been more meaningful as today when I read in Metaphor-phosis: Transform Your Stories from Pain to Power by Lesley Tierra, that our emotional state determines whether we succumb to a virus!

Currently the World seems gripped in fear with the Corona virus which started in Wuhan, China and is now spreading around the Globe. We focus on nutrition and supplements such as high dose D3, zinc, vitamin C, friendly gut bacteria and so on but Tierra writes that illness is originating in the mind with our beliefs and feelings.
She writes, “…viruses use the same receptors as peptides to enter cells, and if those particular receptors are filled, the virus can’t enter the cell. Our emotions affect whether we or not we succumb to a viral infection. For example, a cold virus uses the same receptor for norepinephrine, which flows during happy moods and blocks the receptors so the cold virus can’t enter the cells. If you are frequently unhappy, the receptors are more available for a virus to bind there.”
A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones. Proverbs 17:22
This ancient wisdom from King Solomon is just another way of saying what Tierra expressed above without the biochemistry. There are many more verses like this in the Bible talking about emotional states creating “rottenness in the bones” or creating irritation in us the way a dripping faucet does. Avoiding taking the hook leading to inner dis-ease is the key to not only our happiness but our health.
Gratitude Creates the Shift
Energetic frequencies creating resonance are one way toward attracting happiness and freeing up our receptors for health. Keeping a gratitude journal and focusing on blessings in our lives or just focusing on all we have to be grateful for is key.
When fear and worry are lodged elsewhere, perhaps in a journal of their own, jettisoning the burdens on paper or in prayer, we create a vacuum that will easily be filled with gratitude. Happy hormones fill the receptors and viruses find no room to lodge. It is worth our time and energy to focus on this and not depend on diet and nutritional supplements alone to keep us in health in this Global season of virus-paranoia or “flu season.”
Do More What Makes You Happy
What can you do right this minute that will increase your happiness quotient? Make a list and keep it in front of you to balance the stress of the to-do lists or difficult people or situations in life. Make a commitment to self-care, mental healthcare, and doing things that fill and fulfil our lives on a deep level with peace, contentment, and joy. Take a retreat. Adytum Sanctuary was created to restore and replenish – to reconnect with all that really matters in life. More vacation time goes unused than used. Schedule in times to break away from routine and demands. Escape and find health again in the serenity Nature provides.
What did you enjoy as a child? Do more of that if it makes you happy. Riding your bike? Horseback riding? Walking through Nature? Reading? Sleeping in on a Saturday? Travel? Taking time alone to think, write, or draw? Puttering in the kitchen or shop? Creating…. Remember what triggers feelings not only of gratitude but happiness and seek those activities out. Health and life will improve!
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