Last Year National Health Federation Represented Your Health Freedom Here As We Will This Year |
The first week of December 2012, the National Health Federation will take its seat at the Codex table and prepare to represent those who are dedicated to health and health freedom. As many of you know, I have volunteered for over a year in many positions, my latest as Associate Editor of Health Freedom News for the National Health Federation. As I’ve shared before, it’s quite humbling to learn – after the fact – that someone has been protecting and watching over you and your loved ones’ health freedom before you were even aware. NHF has been there since 1955 doing just that. It’s such an honor now, after learning how much NHF has been doing for me and my family, to be a part of the largely-volunteer team representing true health freedom at this week-long meeting.
Some Of My Large Family And Myself, Grateful For NHF’s Work Protecting Us When We Weren’t Aware Especially! |
Yesterday I revisited a few earlier blogs I’d posted on Codex and NHF’s role in the World to prepare for my first radio interview. The links are all posted at the end and it might be a good refresher for you to review them too as well as listen to my first interview on the radio talking about Ractopamine, Codex, NHF and our role in the World, and a little on Macular Degeneration as well.
We’re in a busy holiday season, yet taking time out to focus on protecting the nutrient levels in our supplements – making sure they don’t fall further, or, as in the case of fluoride, become classified as a nutrient when it is simply industrial waste . . . well, it’s an important investment of time when there seems to be no extra time. Thank you to those who have supported the vital, ongoing work of NHF for this trip and over the years. Please, don’t stop now!! We have fats and oils in Malaysia to speak on in March 2013. Codex’s use of “junk science” to support reduction of saturated fats is simply disconnected from current research and the differentiation of a good saturated fat like coconut oil versus a lesser quality fat has not been made. After that in Beijing , contaminants in foods are decided upon. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want ANY contaminants in my food. I certainly don’t want melamine in baby’s formula and trans-fats…These are real issues. It is vital that we attend.
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“I can’t talk yet but I hope you tell them I don’t want trans-fats & melamine please!” |
NHF speaks good, old-fashioned common sense at Codex, with a healthy dose of up-to-date studies from independent researchers backing up every statement NHF makes. There are NO OTHER HEALTH FREEDOM ORGANIZATIONS speaking for you. I mean that literally. NHF is the ONLY health freedom organization able to speak, submit paperwork (which President Scott Tips already has- three separate papers in anticipation of the Nutrition Codex meeting in Germany), and correct the entries to the final report. Another health-freedom organization has claimed that they are going to this upcoming Codex meeting to speak for you, but the truth is that they cannot speak outat the meeting as NHF does. They are simply an individual member of a country delegation and are actually forbidden to speak to other delegates unless it is to parrot the U.S. party line. There are no substitutes for NHF at this meeting.
NHF President Scott C. Tips and Past President Charles Crecelius |
As in the Canadian meeting, NHF will attend the final meeting not leaving until the report is considered complete and closed. Do you know how many attend to the “bitter end?” Not many, I can assure you. NHF demonstrates time and again real service and dedication to the truth; our right to decide what goes into our body, what practitioner we will employ, etc. Volunteering the last year or so has changed my life and the lives of many! And it all began because I read an article – just one article by President Scott Tips…
This Was the “Magic Bullet” for My Transition Into Activism for Health Freedom |
What can you do today to help? Consider these action steps if you please:
· Visit and get behind current issues by signing petitions you’re passionate about.
· Support by clicking the donate button on the website or our FaceBook pages.
· Consider monthly support, as some of our members provide, to ensure your representation at every Codex meeting and not just the ones we can ‘afford’.
· Consider mentioning NHF in your Will to ensure your investments in health freedom don’t stop.
· Be persistently vocal. Don’t stop with one interaction. Call your representatives, visit them in person, write a letter to the editor, blog, share a passionate email with your contact list, and leverage it by asking them to share it with theirs too.
· Start a chapter meeting in your town to raise awareness and fight for the issues that are near to your heart.
· Volunteer to host a table at a Health Expo, Health Freedom Fair, etc.
· Practice your passion: if you’re a writer- write! A speaker? Speak! A singer? Sing!
We can’t do it without each one of you!
I Wear Many “Hats”…I Love Them All, Am Passionate About Protecting Health Freedom!! |
· My first radio interview for NHF. Kind of like riding a roller-coaster…scary-fun!! It starts at the 7:11 minute mark:
· Contact:
· 1.626.357.2181 or write to: National Health Federation, P.O. Box 688 , Monrovia , CA 91017
Our Book- A Must Read To Understand the Reality of Codex |
CODEX ALIMENTARIUS – QUICK REPORT ON DEC. 4, 2012 MEETING IN BAD SODEN, GERMANY – The result at yesterday’s (Dec 4th) Codex meeting on Nutrition was mixed. Some Codex delegates have a hard time understanding real nutrition and are just interested in pushing forward bad standards based upon even worse science. The countries that were the heroes at yesterday’s big debate over Nutrient Reference Values (NRVs, like Recommended Daily Allowances) were: Malaysia, South Africa, and Iran, all of whom spoke up to support NHF’s position in favor of higher vitamin and mineral. The delegations who need to go back home and re-study Basic Nutrition before showing their heads again at these meetings are the United States, Australia, Egypt, Thailand, and the Codex Chairwoman as well. More on this later but some NRVs (B Vitamins, Vit. K) were lowered, while others (Vit C, Vit D, Magnesium, Selenium, Zinc) were left for later study.
CODEX ALIMENTARIUS – QUICK REPORT ON DEC. 4, 2012 MEETING IN BAD SODEN, GERMANY – The result at yesterday’s (Dec 4th) Codex meeting on Nutrition was mixed. Some Codex delegates have a hard time understanding real nutrition and are just interested in pushing forward bad standards based upon even worse science. The countries that were the heroes at yesterday’s big debate over Nutrient Reference Values (NRVs, like Recommended Daily Allowances) were: Malaysia, South Africa, and Iran, all of whom spoke up to support NHF’s position in favor of higher vitamin and mineral. The delegations who need to go back home and re-study Basic Nutrition before showing their heads again at these meetings are the United States, Australia, Egypt, Thailand, and the Codex Chairwoman as well. More on this later but some NRVs (B Vitamins, Vit. K) were lowered, while others (Vit C, Vit D, Magnesium, Selenium, Zinc) were left for later study.