There was no one in the whole World who spoke for the consumer except NHF and I mean it. I heard lies in the 7 days of meetings on Food Additives. Lies from the sweetener industry. Lies from the artificial coloring people. Lies from the US and Australia. Lies designed to defend World trade, their companies, their nations.
Do you wish for yourself to create a World in which you used to be the head and now you are the tail, despite money pouring in? When you cannot take a single pure breath- and I mean it literally even in the mountains I visited- is that wealth to you? Money in the bank while your lungs fail you…HEALTH IS WEALTH and you know it is true.
Monsanto, Agenda 21, Doctors killing more people annually than perhaps they actually heal… Do you wish to create a World where babies are poisoned by greed- Melamine is the name of that greed and dogs were carted to their graves over that atrocity as well.
Do you wish to poison and pollute the soil with “compost” made of old car batteries and human feces and then enjoy that watermelon plucked from the vine that was desecrated in that soil and now becomes part of YOU? China has adopted for this choice and all inside a political system that is not for the people.
China’s wise pearl reminds us we can relieve ourselves of the irritants and embrace beauty, our destiny, our future and that of the World. Make our investments now and make them strong, make them last- each one using our gifts and talents to restore this World to rightness. In the health freedom World I see a lot of people getting angry and upset. That is not passion. Passion creates a new terrain. It builds a Great Wall and a fortified City like the Forbidden City. Anger can easily turn inward on us. It must be directed into a constructive energetic use that will create the World we are proud to leave behind as our legacy.