Adytum’s Charity of Choice: The National Health Federation ( The ONLY Health-Freedom Organization TO ACTUALLY BE “YOUR VOICE FOR HEALTH FREEDOM”
Join NHF for $36 and get 1 Night at Adytum Sanctuary@ 50% off, Any Suite!
With your $100+ NHF Donation, get 2 Nights at Adytum Sanctuary at 50% off, Any Suite!
With your $1000 gift: Your 2 -night stay is on Adytum! This is the best deal of the year…good until the end of May. LIMITED TO THE FIRST 50 TO BOOK SO HURRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!We took 100 bookings in 48 hours last March. Do not wait ~ book today at
Adytum has chosen the National Health Federation as our charitable giving FOCUS because of our mutual commitment to keeping our body/mind/spirit ‘temple’ with integrity through right choices and honoring the body/vessel and in so doing, maximizing our power and work on behalf of others in this World.
Abundant, vibrant health starts with choice but ultimately it ends in fighting to retain our freedom to choose….Kat Carroll, NTP
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The Star of the North: 1250 Sq. Ft. of Pure Luxury |
In this spirit, each one of you who becomes a member of the NHF (– just $36, will enjoy one magical night at Adytum for 50% off in any suite of your choosing. Those that give $100 or more, indulge for two enchanted nights at 50% off each night in the Castello Adytum in complete, pampered luxury (think “Champagne on Ice…”.) That is just over $100 a night for a $220 a night luxury Suite with territorial water views by day and a front row seat to the Milky Way by night in the seductive warmth of the Salt Water Hot Tub. For the outrageously logical $1000 donation your romantic adventure at Adytum is on us! This offer will go throughout the end of May and excludes all major holidays. With your membership you will also receive a quarterly magazine, Health Freedom News, the same one that ignited my internal activist and the one I now write for…with a sophisticated readership of over 20,000 like-minded people it will expand you like no other. This is worth the membership price ALONE if you value current research, issues and perpetual growth in your life…
“I am always learning…” Michelangelo
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50″ Plasma, Gas Fireplace, Lake View from French Doors: The Orion Suite |
Gifts to NHF are not tax deductible because you get the famous Health Freedom News; if you need a tax deduction, then donate to Foundation for Health Research, our sister organization.
As a volunteer, I want very much to speak out against the issue you will learn about below –Ractopamine- the VET Steroid on your dinner plate – at the Codex meeting in Rome this July. I will also be attending the Codex meeting in Ottawa, Canada in May where GMO labeling is being decided. Do you know that your United States Delegate (FDA employee…) said, “The American people are too stupid to make up their mind about this issue.” Incredible…Have we been underestimated?
Thank you for making it possible for me to go and represent YOU and YOUR family by your loving and generous gift! If you want to read about my ‘Inner Activist Awakening’ read on. If not, book NOW at and let’s get on with our mutual Adventures!
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Pinot Noir Vineyard at Adytum |
As some of you know, my “inner activist” was released this August when I read an article in Health Freedom News, the National Health Federation’s fine magazine. The article was by President & General Counsel, Scott C. Tips on something I couldn’t even pronounce and never heard of: Ractopamine. It turns out; no one I asked had heard of it either yet our U.S. Delegate to the Codex meetings, where global standards are set said that the U.S. was in FAVOR of it. So why is this kept under such wraps that even some of the smartest among us do not generally know about? Who stands to lose major world trade profits Ractopamine fails to pass again at Codex this July in Rome, Italy?
Ractopamine is a veterinary steroid drug, created by Eli Lilly’s vet arm: the Evil Elanco. Ractopamine makes turkey, pigs and cattle shift nutrients from fat production over to lean mass production. At first glance, it sounds okay and my uncle who was a pig farmer, would have loved the $2-3 per pig net gain in profit, but the reality is that it not only makes the animals ill to the point of death (farmers called reporting that animals were “down and shaking”) but we end up eating this poison. Since they are bypassing the standard 14-28 day clearance time before slaughtering a medicated animal a shocking 20% of this veterinary steroid taints the meat and YOU and YOUR FAMILY will eat it! Shocked? Yes, me too. Do you realize the cumulative effect of multiple meat meals a day with vet meds in it??? Next time you pass the meat aisle, just think about what’s lurking in there….it can send you to the hospital thinking you’re having a heart attack or a panic attack at best. Are you ready for dinner?
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The Healthy Kitchen at Adytum Sanctuary- No Ractopamine Served Here |
You know, I’m a vegetarian but I have children and grandchildren and elderly parents who regularly eat all three – sometimes in a single day! It is just wrong to put profit over people…Remember that this is the same drug company that brought DES and Bovine Growth Hormone to market and both were passed- then banned AFTER the problems surfaced…
Side effects of humans consuming this vet drug (which is clearly labeled “Not for human use”) is increased heart rate and vessel constriction as well as being a carcinogen….Want to come to dinner? A little panic attack and/or heart attack for dessert and a whopping BIG medical bill even IF you have insurance…. We’re having some doped meat…Oh, and bring your health insurance card- if you have one. We may be going for a little ride- a fast one in the ambulance.
Can You Imagine Giving Her Veterinary Medicine A Few Meals A Day? |
When I called Donn’s brother, Dr. Ron Carroll, and asked what would happen if I brought my 86 year old father or 2 year old granddaughter in for emergency treatment having a reaction to ‘dinner’, he said they would never even know what they were treating because “we don’t even have veterinary medicines in our drug toxicity screens.” He would administer Beta Blockers to slow the heart, run an EKG and blood tests to determine if a heart attack was happening, order the drug-screen and basically create “a very large ER bill trying to figure out what was wrong.” And send you home with more medicine in your system than you came in with. In the final analysis, it will become a socioeconomic issue. When word gets out, won’t YOU buy organic meat? Low-income people will consume this and the already over-burdened medical system of the United States will collapse under symptom managing because our US delegate thought we were willing sacrifices to Eli Lilly’s greed.
160 countries around the World, including China which spent a lot of money researching the problems associated with Ractopamine, banned import and export of the tainted meat. When President and General Counsel, Scott C. Tips spoke against Ractopamine passing as a global standard in Geneva last year, he was able to persuade a few other countries against adopting the US stance. So even though our FDA employed US delegate was willing and eager to get it passed – selling out our health for US profit, President Scott C. Tips, working through the National Health Federation funding that got him there to represent us, worked for me, for my father, for my granddaughter Kendyl and my whole family and YOU while many of us were quietly unaware there was even a problem being debated of this magnitude. I don’t even take aspirin…I’ll be damned if I let our government feed us VETERINARY STEROIDS on our dinner plates every day. If this doesn’t move you, I don’t know what will….
Complacency leads to annihilation – of your health and of your freedom. Kat Carroll, NTP
I will be forever grateful to the work that health freedom fighters have done for me and my family, and continue to do. Am I ashamed for being “asleep” for most of this vital work? Yes…But no more. Donn and I have a corporate membership for our two businesses, and then I came on board as a volunteer for NHF in October. It’s my passion.
Ractopamine is just one of many issues up for decisions at Codex this year for the whole World, and the general purposes of NHF dovetail so perfectly with our commitment at Adytum to healthy food and freedom of choice for health care and what we choose to put into our bodies.
Ractopamine reminds me of rape. It is, at best, a forced entry upon innocent victims, both animal and human….
Can you explain it any other way? Or do you want to line up for a spoonful of designer drugs made for turkeys, cows and pigs and agree that you need it for your own personal health and wellness plan? Thought you were smarter than that…
I became NHF Membership Director most recently and in that role, I’m asking you to help me to get to Rome, Italy this July 2012 where the Ractopamine issue comes up again for debate. Believe me; I will be speaking against it loud and clear along with President and General Counsel, Scott C. Tips and other delegates from the National Health Federation.
The reason I chose to work with NHF is that they are the ONLY health freedom federation that can speak at Codex, where these standards for the World are set. They can also submit papers and correct the ‘inadvertent omissions’ Codex is famous for committing.
NHF has a Voice, YOUR VOICE, therefore they have real power to speak for YOU!
They are also the most experienced health-freedom organization, having been around since before I was born- 1955- and I might add, before any of the other health-freedom organizations were born too…NHF has a lobbyist in Washington, D.C. as well and always has. NHF is working for us every day! I like the fact they run a very lean organizational structure. Most of us are volunteers and donations go right to the front-lines of the battle. You don’t see me out of my 1998 Toyota Pickup because of this new job…
I’ve met enough of the directors and key players and they aren’t in a hot new car either. In fact, what I see is a lot of dedicated, passionate, intelligent professionals who are mad as hell and they aren’t going to take it any more…and neither should YOU. It’s your family we’re talking about. It’s your children, your grandchildren and the legacy you will leave. This is serious, my friends…
Now Available on Amazon |
These are important issues- and just a few among many others discussed there during the week of solid meetings. One of our guests actually thanked me for being willing to go attend these meetings on behalf of her and her family. That gave me reason to pause… Another guest took home the magazine and immediately joined at the corporate level of $200. She wrote a scathing editorial on the Ractopamine issue- it really speaks to mothers in particular. We are in charge of feeding our family good healthy food for heaven’s sake…The thought of cumulatively poisoning our families with a drug never intended to enter humans…all for the sake of American greed- well, it got me mad enough to finally wake up and it did the same for her!
I humbly ask you for your support of the NHF ( and you will, in exchange, enjoy Adytum at the lowest rate you ever will and you will incur our eternal gratitude for seeing the big picture and being willing to step into the fray. God bless you for it…